Cycling in Pontevedra
Pontevedra is mainly a pedestrian city, although vehicles are allowed on almost all streets, but only under certain conditions and depending on whether they are necessary or not.
There are almost no bicycle lanes, as bicycles are just another vehicle and have the right to circulate on the road with full respect for other vehicles such as cars and motorbikes.
Cycling is permitted throughout the city, with no restrictions other than those set out in the municipal regulations, which can be summarised as follows:
- It is forbidden to cycle on pavements where they exist.
- Bicycles are allowed to circulate on streets with a single platform (usually known as pedestrian streets), but with absolute respect for pedestrian traffic, adapting their speed to the pace of pedestrians and without harassing them or attracting their attention under any circumstances. Bear in mind that a large part of the streets in this city are for coexistence, without the constant presence of cars.
- The city's streets are adapted for bicycle traffic, as motor traffic is calmed and the effective maximum speed on all streets is 30 km/h. There are numerous raised pedestrian crossings, allowing vehicles to avoid urban speeds.
- On carriageways shared with cars, bicycles are not allowed to cycle in the opposite direction.
- On roads, bicycles should not ride on the side of the road: they should occupy the centre of the road; cars should adapt to their speed.
- Cyclists are advised to adopt a positive, friendly and harmonious attitude towards other road users, whether drivers or pedestrians. Everyone, whatever means of transport they use, has the right to public space.